Who We Be


“The Vet”. There is a special holiday that happens once a year. Out of all the holidays all year long, this one particular one is very important to those here at CGVdotcom. Veterans Day. The idea is… it is the peferct day. But, in a sense, it’s the underdogs’ perfect day. What I mean by that is that the day is supposed to be “Perfect”, in the sense that nothing really goes wrong, and everything goes right. But they are just small things. There’s an expectation that during this day, you have no worries. Everything is good. During that Twenty-Four hour period… nothing is going to happen to you that will get you down. Cause, I mean, it’s The Vet!
“The Vet” is a holiday invented by Rusty Gillespie and Corey Monson. It is a holiday steeped in tradition. It all began during the fall of the year 2003. Rusty and I were both attending classes at USF, and noticed that of all the days during the year we could possibly have off, USF gave us “Veterans Day”. Well, this would not do. You cannot waste a perfectly good day off from class… So, we decided that we had to do something. We both saved a little money, and a concept came to us. You see, we had no real idea of what we were going to do. There is very little that you can do that is EPIC and MARVELOUS that is accomplishable in just one day and on very little funds. So, the answer to our question was that we would let the day dictate what we did. We would let Veterans Day decide what we were going to do. All we had to do was set out, and let everything else come to us. So, at roughly 1:30pm on November 11th, 2003, we left my house in Meadow Pointe and got on the highway. The rest… is legend.