Rusty – the vet ’08
today was a celebration. a celebration of those who defended our country. a celebration of lives lost. battles fought. and wheels chaired. and i participated the fuck out of it....
today was a celebration. a celebration of those who defended our country. a celebration of lives lost. battles fought. and wheels chaired. and i participated the fuck out of it....
happy the vet!
and good luck on ‘fuck you’ monday.
ah! the vet. it matters not what crappy religion you may follow, for on this day, this day for the veteran the very fabric of time and space will guide...
oh it has been so comically long since i last updated this piece o’ crap. that would mostly be due to laziness. in fact, that would entirely be due to...
this was the best day i’ve had since i can remember. god what a fucking great day. …there’s still sand between my toes. i can’t wait ’til next year.