
small update at CGVdotcom!!!!!!11111oneoneone check it out homeez.

So, I spent 4 hours this morning making this really cool video that was all about the vet ’04, but flash didn’t want to ‘accept’ it, and I dont know enough about flash to make it want to accept it, so I basically had to scrap the whole project.

This frustrated me to no end… so as punishment, any media or info about the vet ’04 wont be up for a while, simply because I can’t stand to look at the pictures any more.

It will go up eventually though.

but yeah, there’s OTHER new content, so check it out. Tell me what you think… or dont.

You dont even really have to go.

You could just keep reading… and then go to the next entry on your friends list.

“The Choice Is Yours!” – Captain Planet