oh it has been so comically long since i last updated this piece o’ crap. that would mostly be due to laziness. in fact, that would entirely be due to laziness. i just don’t feel like updating. which is a pretty good thing, seeing as how i don’t have anything to update about. but now, i have decided, is the perfect time to update, seeing as how i needed to find a way to waste my time instead of doing homework.

so here we go.

[oh yeah before i go on, i’d just like to say that livejournal completely ripped me off. i had the best entry i’d ever written finished, and then i went to admire my work by “previewing” it, and it was all lost in one swift click. i was really super pissed off, got up and screamed profanities at my computer, at my walls, and probably at my bed. it seriously was the best entry i’d ever made, too. it had one whole entry within it, and looked and smelled and acted and just was awesome. and it was all lost. so, basically, what i’m trying to say here is that livejournal… you’re a jerk.]

here’s the news. and by news i mean olds. and that is the election. i’m not a very political person, so i’m not gonna say much, but i feel i have to because a.) i attended a few bulls for kerry meetings and they made me sign a contract saying i’d complain about the election in my online journal if bush won, and b.) because everyone else is doing it, and i fear that i will become unpopular if i don’t say anything.

the only thing i really have to say about the election is this: i am disappointed that the youth vote was so low.

…yeah, that’s all about that.

in other news, i rustyized my midterm grade in new german cinema. haha god i hate that class.

steak n’ shake is awesome. i love making no money.

i’m reading less and less these days… in fact, i did the calculations, and it turns out i’m reading twelve times less than i did last month. of course, twelve times zero is still zero, but the numbers really drive the point home, and take out the cows, and has your cake and eats it too.

the vet is coming up, and that will either be the most awesome holiday this year, or it will be the best holiday this year. either way, it will be the most awesome holiday this year has seen.

purple cereal and april shoney’s was the best play ever written. corey and i are geniusi. squared.

i don’t have any more to say.