alright so we had the vet. a long, yet short vet. it was not the most satisfying, but it was still fun. we drove down to “boca grande” and then up to sanford. a lot of driving, and some fun stuff. we had jimmy john’s, and some snacks, and then we ate at a shitty pub called “the black swan”… not the greatest vet meal. but good conversation, fun times, and arm wrestling old ladies.

love the vet.

today was lame/awesome. woke up for work, and went. i stopped at the comic book shop before i got there, and found out that they’re closing at the end of the year. great. my poor subscriptions. ugh. whatever. just sucks.

oh and on the way to work i nearly got hit by a car. some old jackass was changing lanes “towards” me, and just kept going. i thought it was a mistake, but he didn’t stop even after i honked. i had to run off into the shoulder and slam on the breaks. fucking asshole.

at work i picked up my shirt and wrote this massive review for the blog: waaah. it was involved. eh.

then i met up with corey and roy at the super chinese buffet, which was pretty good, and dangerously filling. more entries! too bad i have no money left at all. yikes.

after that, corey and roy came back to my place to record a mock podcast for the food blog. it went pretty well after a long time of trying to start it up. we decided to do a podcast called “the suck”, about things that suck. corey and roy were the hosts, and i was a special guest as the tampa food dude. it turned out pretty well, and is pretty short (though longer than i was planning). we are going to attempt to start doing a “real” version of the suck, which could be fun.

i posted the finished product here:

whooooooooooo! eat podcasts!